Welcome to Good Food Good Farming
Good Food Good Farming campaigns for a fair transition in EU food and farming systems. We unite local, national, and EU groups, amplifying voices to pressure decision-makers and legitimize policy change. Addressing diverse issues, from the Agricultural Policy (CAP) to pesticide regulation, we actively engage in shaping EU policies for food and farming.

European Recipes for Change #FundOurFuture

🌍 With 64 events in 25 countries, farmers to activists, consumers to citizens, hundreds came together for the European Days of Action to demand political change.💶
📢The collective call from the continent is clear: Stop favoring industrial farming giants, strengthen the market regulations embedded in the CAP and ensure funds for a just agroecological transition. 🌾
Do you also want to join our network? From activists and local groups to EU organisations, everyone supporting a just agroeocological transition is welcome. 🤝
Get involved

Common Agricultural Policy (CAP)
CAP is the biggest EU legislation and decides what our food systems look like. We currently campaign for a better CAP post-27!

We publish unbranded, free to use resources and communication materials. Check out our latest infocomics!

Movement Building
Join the EU-wide movement for Good Food Good Farming and get featured on our map!
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Join our growing community of change-makers and be part of the movement working towards #GoodFoodGoodFarming!