Here you can find recent reports and publications on EU agri-food topics, including the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), pesticide reduction and sustainable food systems. You want to add a resource from your own organisation (national or EU level)? Simply send an email with the link to your document to and we are happy to include it to our digital library.

Soil Atlas
The Soil Atlas 2024 not only highlights the consequences of the global loss of fertile soil, but also shows the potential of sustainable and fair land use for climate protection and biodiversity.
Joint publication by Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung and TMG - Think Tank for Sustainability (2024)

Bayer’s Toxic Trails – Market Power, Monopolies and the Global Lobbying of an Agrochemical Giant
Corporate Europe Observatory (September 2024)

Agricultural Atlas
The agricultural atlas shows how closely Europe’s agriculture is intertwined with our lives – and why is worthwhile pushing for a better, fundamentally different set of agricultural policies.
Joint publication by Heinrich Böll Foundation, Friends of the Earth and Bird Life Europe.

Pesticide Atlas
The Pesticide Atlas raises awareness, provides comprehensive information and fosters nuanced debate around agrochemicals used for pest control.
Joint publication by by Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, Friends of the Earth Europe and Pesticide Action Network Europe (2022)

Human rights must be placed at the heart of EU food systems transformation
FIAN (2023)

Hungry for Change- An EU Sustainable Food System Law for People and Nature
EEB (2022)