Join the Action Days in October!

In 2025, we have a window of opportunity to shape how taxpayer money is spent: The EU’s long-term budget will be negotiated, deciding how much and where the money goes. Based on this budget, the EU Commission will propose a new Common Agricultural Policy. Being the largest EU legislation this has a huge influence on what kind of food and farming gets funding! With talks amongst decision-makers starting now, this is our chance to make politicians know: we want a just and sustainable transition of our food systems! 

This October we invite groups across Europe to organize local events and join a larger movement. There are no strict rules—anything related to good food and farming is welcome, from harvest festivals to protests.

You can register your event to get featured on our European Action Map! In the registration form you can also choose to take part in the Cookbook Action. By participating, you will receive free material from us in your language, including an info poster and recipe pages for participants to fill out during your event. We will then deliver the Recipe for Change-Book to the European Commission.

The first events will be published on our interactive map in mid-September. Stay tuned!




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*Clicking yes does not guarantee your event a spot in the videos. We will make a selection and contact you by the middle of September with more information. Taking part in the video would mean that you have to hire a videographer to film at your event and GFGF would cover the costs.

Welcome to Good Food Good Farming

Good Food Good Farming campaigns for a fair transition in EU food and farming systems. We unite local, national, and EU groups, amplifying voices to pressure decision-makers and legitimize policy change. Addressing diverse issues, from the Agricultural Policy (CAP) to pesticide regulation, we actively engage in shaping EU policies for food and farming.

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Join our growing community of change-makers and be part of the movement working towards #GoodFoodGoodFarming!

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