Flashback 2018
Find out what happened at the European Days of Action in October 2018.
European action days 2018
In October 2018, thousands of Europeans raised their voices and participated in the action days Good Food Good Farming. More than 60 actions were organised in 19 countries across Europe, ranging from street protests in London and Berlin, festivals in Madrid and Budapest, a farmer’s market in Sofia, conferences in Warsaw and Thessaloniki and farm visits in different regions throughout France, Spain, Italy and Denmark, to name a few.
Video Gallery
Video Disco Soup Luxembourg
Video of the Disco Soup organised for the European Day of Action on October 27th 2018 by the coalition MengLandwirtschaft in Luxembourg.
Video London People’s Feast
Video of the Feast on October 27 2018 to share food, stories and performance celebrating London’s rich culinary heritage stemming from all corners of the globe.
Video Eat-In Glasgow
Video from the Eat-In for a better future of farming. Organized by Slow Food Youth Network Scotland and Young Friends of the Earth Scotland in Glasgow on October 28 2018. (c) errikazacharopoulou.com
Video Protest Berlin
Video from the protest in Berlin on October 27 2018 calling on the German minister to promote bee-friendly farming and a sustainable CAPreform
Video Food Caravan North-Limburg
Video of Food Caravan organized by Voedsel Anders Netherlands and Werkgroep Land en Tuinbouw Noord-Limburg with 120 participants visiting famers and inspiring initiatives and taking part in workshops (including about the CAP) on October 27 2018.
Video Disco Soup in Brussels
Video of our concluding action showing how we brought demands for a sustainable CAP to Brussels when EU ministers met there on November 19th 2018.
Photos #GoodFoodGoodFarming Disco Soup Brussels
In November 2018, we came together for a protest at the Agriculture Council in Brussels to hand over our demands for a fair, green and healthy CAP with more than 100,000 signatures to the European agricultural ministers.
Media Coverage
EU: Disco Soup served up to Agriculture ministers, 19/11/2018, Euronews, Link
EU: 4 Good Food Good Farming actions you might have missed, 12/11/18, ARC2020, Link
ES: La sociedad europea se moviliza por una Política Agraria Común “justa y sostenible” , 27/10/18, Arainfo, Link
AT: Agrarministertagung auf Schloss Hof. NGOs: “Wir haben die Agrarpolitik satt”, 25/10/18, Mein Bezirk, Link
DE: Aktionstag auf dem Schlossplatz Kochtopf-Alarm für Genuss ohne Reue und Qual, 28/10/18 Stuttgarter Zeitung, Link
DE: Demonstration für bienenfreundliche Landwirtschaft, 27/10/19, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Link
FR:Journées « Bonne Nourriture, Bonne Agriculture » du 26 au 28 octobre, 27/10/18, Link
IT : Più verde e più giusta, 80 ong lanciano appello sulla futura Pac, 19/11/19, it, Link
MA:People asked to stand up for sustainable farming, 25/10/18, TimesOfMalta.com, Link
HU: Egészséges ételek helyiektől, 30/10/19, Hajdú online, Link
PL: Polska przed wyzwaniem nowej polityki rolnej, 31/10/18, Hurt & Detal, Poland, Link