European Days of Action 2024
Farm visits in Spain & Malta facilitated dialogue, hands-on workshops in Ireland and Switzerland shared knowledge, youth celebrations in Czech Republic & Hungary taught new generations about the importance of our food systems! The European Days of Action had it all!

People across europe united for #GoodFoodGoodFarming
🌍 With 64 events in 25 countries, hundreds of people came together this October to demand political change.💶
📢 The call to EU leaders is clear: stop favoring industrial farming giants, enforce fair CAP regulations, and fund a just agroecological transition.🌾
Check out this video from the European Days of Action and learn about all the reasons to join the GFGF movement! From activists and local groups to EU organisations, everyone supporting a just agroeocological transition is welcome.🤝
Scenes from the European Days of Action
Throughout October, our European Days of Action amplified the collective call for EU decision-makers to
FundOurFuture and ensure a just agroecological transition. Across 25 European countries, hundreds of farmers, activists and citizens came together behind one united cause: GoodFoodGoodFarming.Have a look at photos from some of the events here!

Participatory Action - The European Recipes for Change Cookbook
The central theme of the European Days of Action 2024 has been the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) post-2027. With the proposal coming next July, we took the opportunity to raise awareness of the CAP’s impact on our food systems and ensure that EU decision-makers listen to the demands of people across Europe!
During the events, citizens, farmers & activist all over Europe took the opportunity to fill out their recipe for change!
These recipes will be bound together into one EU Recipes for Change Cookbook, which will be delivered to the European Commission in Spring 2025. Stay tuned!

Media coverage
EU: October is Here – That Means European Days of Action!, 02/11/2024, ARC2020
EU: European Days of Action – Mobilizing for a Just Transition of our Food Systems, 15/11/2024, ARC2020
IT: Politici UE: Votate Per Una Nuova PAC che sostenga la transizione agroecologica!, 15/10/2024, L’Alveare Che Dice Si!
DE: Gesunde Lebensmittel und intakte Natur gewährleisten, 05/09/2024, DNR
BE: EU Politici: Stem Voor Een Nieuw CAP (Common Agricultural Policy) Dat De Agro-Ecologische Overgang Ondersteunt!, 16/10/2024, Boeren & Buren
Supporters 2024 (45)