Sowing Change
We are dedicated to build a powerful agri-food movement across Europe – from EU to grassroot level! Therefore we provide our network with opportunities to exchange, advance and learn together.

Capacity Building Workshops
We invite our network to participate in free online trainings that support their campaigning and communication activities.
We offer a series of expert-led workshops and training to the Good Food Good Farming network. The workshops focus on diverse topics relevant to civil society organisations in the field of communications and project management. Registration is admission-free and open to everyone.
Upcoming workshops
Registration for workshops in 2025 is coming soon!
Past workshops
Workshop: "Crafting a Powerful Media Strategy: Maximize your Press Coverage"
This session, led by Kim Bryan from, foucsed on all tricks needed to develop an effective press strategy!
With a good mix of expert input & hands-on tasks the participants learned how to effectively map out the relevant media landscape, how to strengthen press relations & monitor the success in an easy way.

Workshop: “Creating spaces for mutual learning"
Politicians and media often push the narrative that environmental and farmers interests are incompatible. We know that this is not true. We cannot have a green transition if it is not socially just and vice versa.
To strengthen the work of environmental NGOs working with agriculture we offered a workshop co-hosted by European Coordination Via Campesina! Together, we explored how to foster dialogue, the significance of creating inclusive spaces, and the importance of challenging our own preconceptions to strengthen cooperation.
Workshop: "Identifying and combating hate speech online: Strategies and Tools"
The topic of hate on the internet is becoming increasingly prominent, and many of us regularly deal with hate comments on our social media channels. Simply deleting them, restricting comments altogether, responding factually or with humor—how should one properly handle hate on the internet? We addressed these questions on September 24th in an online workshop with AKTION ZIVILCOURAGE e.V.

Workshop: “From Idea to Social Media: How to Create Effective Content”
On May 8th we offered a beginner’s workshop on social media content creation! The participants receive toolkits on content creation, expert learnings and practical training on how to visualise their key message to increase their outreach.
Communication grants
Whenever possible, we offer small grants (2.000 – 5.000 EUR) to national coalitions working on food and agriculture. Grants may support the planning and implementation of communication and campaigning activities aimed at journalists, the general public or national and EU decision-makers. Activities can either target a topic related to EU agri-food policies or the national political context.
When the next call for applications is open, we will announce it here.

Activities implemented within the GFGF Communication grants 2023
Video series on eco-schemes in Bulgaria
The lack of monitoring and evaluation about the CAP´s impact on biodiversity is one of the reasons why farmers hesitate to implement eco-schemes on their fields. To inform farmers about potential benefits, the video series “Agriculture with care for nature” shows the results of environmentally friendly farming. Thereby, the series aims to motivate farmers to implement eco-schemes and agri-environmental measures that have a high impact on grasslands biodiversity conservation in contrast with most “green-washing” schemes of the Bulgarian CAP strategic plan.
The video series was created jointly by the Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds (BSPS) and the Society for Territorial and Ecological Prosperity (STEP).
Plant the future dinner in the Netherlands
Under the theme ‘Plant-Based, the Healthy Normal’, the Plant The Future Dinner took place for the third time in The Hague, Netherlands. During a plant-based dinner, stakeholders from NGOs, food businesses and government representatives get the chance to convene on the much needed protein transition. The event aims to foster dialogue among frontrunners, supermarkets, caterers, restaurants, and the Dutch government to inspire action towards a plant-based future.

The Transition Coalition Food organized the Plant The Future Dinner in collaboration with Nieuwspoort and The Farm Kitchen during the Dutch Food Week 2023.
Ringing the cow´s bell for climate in Austria
For ten days in a row, cowbells were ringing in front of the local government in Linz, Upper Austria. The cowbell concert started each day at 12:05, giving a figuratively warning that we only have five minutes to midnight to adress the multiple crisis of food, farming and climate. This creative direct action brought together local climate activists and farmers of the region. The persistency of the action gained a lot of attention from the local media and resulted in an invitation to the protesters from the local authorities.

The action was organized by ÖBV – Via Campesina Austria (Caustrian CAP platform) and supported by Fridays for Future.