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50 Years Good Food
6 Oct
Provinciaal Domein Rivierenhof
Turnhoutsebaan 246, 2100 Deurne
For 50 years, Velt, the association for ecological living, cooking and gardening, has been standing up for "good food and farming". During our party we will let you taste good food at various information stands, workshops, and in our cafe... an extensive market introduces you to correct, traditional products. Velt's seed collective will also be present and will help you find real, resistant varieties for your own vegetable garden.
Agro-ecological + Water Festival
14 – 19 Oct — 9:00 am
Flanders, Belgium
How effective is agroecology as a solution for increasingly extreme climate change? And what role does water play in the restorative agricultural system of the future?
During a multi-day event from October 14 to October 19, 2024, we will enter into a dialogue with everyone who wants to delve deeper into these themes. From conscious vegetable gardeners to concerned policymakers to proactive farmers.
Hoe effectief is agro-ecologie als oplossing voor steeds extremere klimaatveranderingen? En welke rol speelt water in het herstellende landbouwsysteem van de toekomst?
Tijdens een meerdaags evenement van 14 oktober tot en met 19 oktober 2024 gaan we in dialoog met iedereen die zich wilt verdiepen in deze thema’s. Van bewuste moestuinier over bezorgde beleidsmaker tot pro-actieve landbouwer.
During a multi-day event from October 14 to October 19, 2024, we will enter into a dialogue with everyone who wants to delve deeper into these themes. From conscious vegetable gardeners to concerned policymakers to proactive farmers.
Hoe effectief is agro-ecologie als oplossing voor steeds extremere klimaatveranderingen? En welke rol speelt water in het herstellende landbouwsysteem van de toekomst?
Tijdens een meerdaags evenement van 14 oktober tot en met 19 oktober 2024 gaan we in dialoog met iedereen die zich wilt verdiepen in deze thema’s. Van bewuste moestuinier over bezorgde beleidsmaker tot pro-actieve landbouwer.
Agro-ecological Water Days
19 Oct
Polyvalente zaal De Mosterdpot
84 Gelaagstraat 9140 Temse
Overvloedige regenval, moeilijk bewerkbare landbouwgrond wegens de nat en overstromingen, maar tevens ook in andere periodes te lage grondwatertafels zijn in in Vlaanderen, zijn de laatste jaren al te frequent brandend actueel in Vlaanderen. Wat is het groter kader van deze problematiek in Vlaanderen? In welke mate kan landbouw mee de oplossing zijn binnen de waterproblematiek in Vlaanderen? Wat kan je doen als burger in jouw eigen tuin?
Wervel, Pomona Puur Natuur en Solidagro organiseren op zaterdag 19/10 een dag waar deze thema's aan bod komen. In de voormiddag gaan we in gesprek met Mark Shepard, áán van dá pioniers in herstellende landbouw, over zijn aanpak.
Over de middag is er een mogelijkheid om uit te wisselen tijdens een lunch met lokale landbouwproducten en stellen we het project:Smaakvol Samen:verbindend lokaal ondernemerschap voor. In de namiddag kan je kiezen uit 2 workshops: een workshop rond Watervriendelijke tuin: ontharden en beplanten gegeven door VELT-lesgever Jan Van Bogaert, een boerderijbezoek aan Pomona Puur Natuur (Melsele) begeleid door Mark Shepard met als thema waterbeheer in agro-ecologische landbouw."
Wervel, Pomona Puur Natuur en Solidagro organiseren op zaterdag 19/10 een dag waar deze thema's aan bod komen. In de voormiddag gaan we in gesprek met Mark Shepard, áán van dá pioniers in herstellende landbouw, over zijn aanpak.
Over de middag is er een mogelijkheid om uit te wisselen tijdens een lunch met lokale landbouwproducten en stellen we het project:Smaakvol Samen:verbindend lokaal ondernemerschap voor. In de namiddag kan je kiezen uit 2 workshops: een workshop rond Watervriendelijke tuin: ontharden en beplanten gegeven door VELT-lesgever Jan Van Bogaert, een boerderijbezoek aan Pomona Puur Natuur (Melsele) begeleid door Mark Shepard met als thema waterbeheer in agro-ecologische landbouw."
AgroEco2024: Agroecosystem Sustainability: Links between Carbon Sequestration in Soils, Food Security and Climate Change
16 Oct — 9:00 am
Aleksandro Stulginskio universitetas, Studentų gatvė 11, Akademija, 53361 Kaunas District Municipality, Lithuania
We kindly invite You to participate in the 5th International Scientific Conference AgroEco2024: Agroecosystem Sustainability: Links between Carbon Sequestration in Soils, Food Security and Climate Change which will be held at Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy, Lithuania, October 16–18th, 2024. The conference is organised to celebrate 100 years of Agriculture Academy in Lithuania (1924–2024).
Main scientific topics of the AgroEco2024 conference:
Soil health and carbon sequestration for sustainability
Soil and crop management towards a chemical pesticide-free agriculture
Biodiversity, crop and production diversification
Precision farming and digital technologies
Food quality and safety
Climate change adaptation and mitigation
Main scientific topics of the AgroEco2024 conference:
Soil health and carbon sequestration for sustainability
Soil and crop management towards a chemical pesticide-free agriculture
Biodiversity, crop and production diversification
Precision farming and digital technologies
Food quality and safety
Climate change adaptation and mitigation
All-Ireland Hedge Laying Championships
5 Oct — 9:30 am
Oghill House Stud, Oghil, Monasterevin, Co. Kildare, Ireland
While the hedge layers compete, explore talks about hedgerows and our exhibitors of traditional and ecological skills:
– Fiach Rua Timbercraft: Axe making
– South Kildare Beekeepers: Local honey
– Kildare Wildlife Rescue
– Liffey Garden Produce: Vegetables from Celbridge
– Born in a Field, Jenni & Niamh: Spinning & weaving
– The Irish Saddler
– Lake and Oak Coppersmiths
– Fuinseog Woodland Craft‘s Bemusement Games: Great fun for the children!
– Local foraging experts
– Fiach Rua Timbercraft: Axe making
– South Kildare Beekeepers: Local honey
– Kildare Wildlife Rescue
– Liffey Garden Produce: Vegetables from Celbridge
– Born in a Field, Jenni & Niamh: Spinning & weaving
– The Irish Saddler
– Lake and Oak Coppersmiths
– Fuinseog Woodland Craft‘s Bemusement Games: Great fun for the children!
– Local foraging experts
AMAParty -la grande fête paysanne
5 Oct — 2:00 pm
Ferme de Combreux, 77220 Tournan-en-Brie, France
Twenty anniversary of CSA mouvment in Paris region area! Farm visit, political debate, solidarity based partenership system for agroecology in the spotlight
Bionovara in Festa
13 Oct — 10:00 am
Via della Gioventù, 28040 Varallo Pombia Province of Novara, Italy
The organic market gardeners association based in the county of Novara (Piedmont) organizes a harvest celebration with an organic fair, a vegeterian local meal and folk music
Café Trans’Mission – Café Le Parc
8 Oct — 5:00 pm
Rue Paul-Joseph Carpay 39, 4020 Liège, Belgium
Café Trans’Mission – Café Le Parc
Qu’est-ce que c’est ?
C'est un moment d'échanges autour d'un témoignage d'une expérience vécue de transmission d'une ferme. Aborder ensemble le parcours de transmission d'une ferme, le tout dans une ambiance sympathique autour d’un verre offert.
Ça parle de quoi ?
Dans un café Trans’Mission , on aborde les sujets liés à la transmission des fermes. Son calendrier, la recherche de repreneur, les choix sur le projet de retraite et sur le futur de la ferme. Mais aussi les craintes et les difficultés ainsi que les succès et les joies du métier. On vient aussi parler de sa ferme à des porteurs de projets qui peuvent être présents.
C’est pour qui ? Pour les agriculteur-trices qui s'interrogent sur la transmission de leurs fermes. Vous êtes les bienvenus pour échanger avec nous. C’est l’occasion d’entamer ou de poursuivre sa réflexion autour de la transmission.
Cet événement est proposé par la CATL - dans le cadre du festival AlimenTerre - et sera animé par Terre-en-Vue dans le cadre du projet Trans’Mission, projet porté par Terre-en-Vue, la FUGEA et la FJA.
Inscription souhaitée :
Adresse : Rue Paul-Joseph Carpay 39, 4020 Liège
Les participants du café Trans’Mission qui le souhaitent, peuvent prendre part au repas et au ciné-débat qui vont suivre au café Trans’Mission.
Qu’est-ce que c’est ?
C'est un moment d'échanges autour d'un témoignage d'une expérience vécue de transmission d'une ferme. Aborder ensemble le parcours de transmission d'une ferme, le tout dans une ambiance sympathique autour d’un verre offert.
Ça parle de quoi ?
Dans un café Trans’Mission , on aborde les sujets liés à la transmission des fermes. Son calendrier, la recherche de repreneur, les choix sur le projet de retraite et sur le futur de la ferme. Mais aussi les craintes et les difficultés ainsi que les succès et les joies du métier. On vient aussi parler de sa ferme à des porteurs de projets qui peuvent être présents.
C’est pour qui ? Pour les agriculteur-trices qui s'interrogent sur la transmission de leurs fermes. Vous êtes les bienvenus pour échanger avec nous. C’est l’occasion d’entamer ou de poursuivre sa réflexion autour de la transmission.
Cet événement est proposé par la CATL - dans le cadre du festival AlimenTerre - et sera animé par Terre-en-Vue dans le cadre du projet Trans’Mission, projet porté par Terre-en-Vue, la FUGEA et la FJA.
Inscription souhaitée :
Adresse : Rue Paul-Joseph Carpay 39, 4020 Liège
Les participants du café Trans’Mission qui le souhaitent, peuvent prendre part au repas et au ciné-débat qui vont suivre au café Trans’Mission.
CCS Seminars in Crete, Greece: No-Brand Food
25 Oct
Crete, Greece
Ongoing Seminars: Crete's Culinary Sanctuaries Network, Interactive Educational Programs in Crete, Greece celebrating our culture, nature, sustainable organic agriculture and amazing cuisine. Designed to support small-scale organic farmers and related initiatives.
Climate Change Summit
15 Oct — 9:30 am
Bucharest National Opera House, Bulevardul Mihail Kogălniceanu, Bucharest, Romania
About the Summit
Climate Change Summit is the largest event in Central and Eastern Europe dedicated to innovative solutions for the climate change challenges we are facing today and tomorrow. The Summit takes place amid geopolitical and geoeconomics shifts at an inflection point of how societies look at desired futures.
The 3rd edition of the Summit takes place on October 15-17, 2024, in Bucharest, bringing together hundreds of participants and speakers in conversations about climate change solutions, green economy opportunities and climate action. Over the three days of the event, dozens of climate innovation and environmental policy leaders, researchers, entrepreneurs and government officials will get together in a joint effort to find local and regional solutions for a sustainable future.
Climate Change Summit is the largest event in Central and Eastern Europe dedicated to innovative solutions for the climate change challenges we are facing today and tomorrow. The Summit takes place amid geopolitical and geoeconomics shifts at an inflection point of how societies look at desired futures.
The 3rd edition of the Summit takes place on October 15-17, 2024, in Bucharest, bringing together hundreds of participants and speakers in conversations about climate change solutions, green economy opportunities and climate action. Over the three days of the event, dozens of climate innovation and environmental policy leaders, researchers, entrepreneurs and government officials will get together in a joint effort to find local and regional solutions for a sustainable future.
Colours of My Snack
5 Oct — 10:00 am
Sokol Písnice, Švihovská, Libuš, Czech Republic
Slow Food Prague will organize a Snack Workshop event for children.
Kids will be working with our members to create their own snacks. We will prepare 3 types of home-made spreads for the children, and they will choose a spread for a slide of grain bread and add seasonal vegetables, which they will also have a choice of.
The event will be supplemented with information leaflets - recipes for spreads and information about seasonal agricultural crops, which will motivate children to create their own fresh school snacks. The entire event will take place at a football stadium on the outskirts of Prague during a children's kite-flying celebration.
Kids will be working with our members to create their own snacks. We will prepare 3 types of home-made spreads for the children, and they will choose a spread for a slide of grain bread and add seasonal vegetables, which they will also have a choice of.
The event will be supplemented with information leaflets - recipes for spreads and information about seasonal agricultural crops, which will motivate children to create their own fresh school snacks. The entire event will take place at a football stadium on the outskirts of Prague during a children's kite-flying celebration.
Cultures en Transition
3 Oct — 9:00 am
Place des Arts, Liège, Belgium
La Ceinture Aliment-terre liégeoise vous invite à une journée d’échanges autour de la transition alimentaire en amont de l’exposition « Cultures en transition« , portée par Le Centre d’Action Laïque de la Province de Liège, Arsenic2 et la compagnie Adoc, dans le cadre du projet « Nourrir la Wallonie » dont le Festival Nourrir Liège qui vient de s’achever fait partie.
– – – – – – –
La transition alimentaire, vous intéresse ? Depuis longtemps ?
Vous travaillez dans le secteur ? Ou pas du tout ?
L’idée que la coopération est un levier pour booster la transition alimentaire, vous parle ? Mais, sur le terrain, différentes questions vous traversent peut-être…
Comment faire en sorte que les partenaires s’y retrouvent, que la coopération soit efficace ? Comment ne pas s’essouffler ? Quelles sont les complémentarités ? …
Pour travailler ces questions, retrouvez-nous pour une journée d’échanges.
– – – – – – –
La transition alimentaire, vous intéresse ? Depuis longtemps ?
Vous travaillez dans le secteur ? Ou pas du tout ?
L’idée que la coopération est un levier pour booster la transition alimentaire, vous parle ? Mais, sur le terrain, différentes questions vous traversent peut-être…
Comment faire en sorte que les partenaires s’y retrouvent, que la coopération soit efficace ? Comment ne pas s’essouffler ? Quelles sont les complémentarités ? …
Pour travailler ces questions, retrouvez-nous pour une journée d’échanges.
Days of Agroecology
1 – 31 Oct
Agroecology offers a wide range of solutions to the challenges facing agriculture and food supply. Throughout October, during the 'Days of Agroecology', various organizations and committed individuals across Switzerland are organizing a diverse program centered around their visions and agroecology projects. From knowledge exchanges and cooking events to creative family workshops – there is plenty to discover and experience with all the senses!
Be also part of the change!
Be also part of the change!
Didactic farm open days – Plant the future in your backyard
19 Oct — 10:00 am
Ulica Žuka 6, 52215, Vodnjan, Croatia
All the families of the pupils of the local elementary school, kinder garden, and the local community in general will be invited to the Didactic farm that is located in the frame of the school. Gardening and animal care activities will be organised to help people get a step closer to good food and good farming. Planting actions will be organized, and vegetable and spontaneous plant harvesting followed by cooking classes will be held to encourage the locals to adopt a healthy diet.
Didactic farm open days – Plant the future in your backyard
19 Oct — 10:00 am
Ulica Žuka 6, 52215, Vodnjan, Croatia
All the families of the pupils of the local elementary school, kinder garden, and the local community in general will be invited to the Didactic farm that is located in the frame of the school. Gardening and animal care activities will be organised to help people get a step closer to good food and good farming. Planting actions will be organized, and vegetable and spontaneous plant harvesting followed by cooking classes will be held to encourage the locals to adopt a healthy diet.
Embracing Diversity in Food Systems: Bio and Other Kinds of Diversity in Agriculture
10 Nov
Mejlgade 53, 1 sal, 8000 Aarhus Municipality, Denmark
Join us for an enlightening event that explores the intersection of queerness and biodiversity in agriculture. Together, we will dive into the nuances of food systems through the lens of inclusion and diversity, both in terms of ecosystems and human identities. Discussions will focus on how embracing biological and cultural diversity can reshape sustainable farming, promote resilience, and honor the full spectrum of experiences and approaches in agriculture. This event encourages an open dialogue on how biodiversity and queerness enrich our food systems, fostering innovation, equity, and sustainability.
Ernährungswandel gestalten – zukunftsfähig und geschlechtergerecht
11 Oct — 9:00 am
Landhaus Schulze-Hamann, Segeberger Str., Blunk, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
Akademie-Wochenende 10.-13.10.2024
Die Slow Food Youth-Akademie
(SFYA) ist ein Weiterbildungs-
programm für junge Erwachsene
zwischen 18 und 35 Jahren. Dazu
eingeladen sind Auszubildende,
Studierende und Berufstätige,
beispielsweise aus Gastronomie,
Landwirtschaft, Lebensmittel-
handwerk und -handel. Und
natürlich alle, die unser
Ernährungssystem zukunftsfähig
machen wollen!
Teilnahmegebühr: 190 Euro
Die Slow Food Youth-Akademie
(SFYA) ist ein Weiterbildungs-
programm für junge Erwachsene
zwischen 18 und 35 Jahren. Dazu
eingeladen sind Auszubildende,
Studierende und Berufstätige,
beispielsweise aus Gastronomie,
Landwirtschaft, Lebensmittel-
handwerk und -handel. Und
natürlich alle, die unser
Ernährungssystem zukunftsfähig
machen wollen!
Teilnahmegebühr: 190 Euro
Erntedankfest SOLAWI Isartal
12 Oct — 3:00 pm
Degerndorfer Straße, Münsing, Germany
Erntedank Fest für Mitglieder
Erntefest Fiesta de la Milpa
2 Oct — 10:00 am
Wiener Platz 2A, 51065 Köln, Mülheim, Germany
Deutsch-Spanisches Puppentheater, Vorträge zum Thema globale Landwirtschaft, Parcours,
Ausstellung, Musik, Information | Familientag für Groß und Klein.
Ausstellung, Musik, Information | Familientag für Groß und Klein.
EU Organic Day
23 Sep — 11:00 am
23 September, EU Organic Day, the ideal opportunity to widely celebrate the organic sector and to evaluate Europe’s progress towards achieving its goal of 25% organic land by 2030. Officially launched in 2021 by the European Parliament, the Commission, and the Council of the European Union, this day represents the occasion to, among others, assess trends in consumer demands, continue raising awareness of organic in the supply chain and finally, define new targets for the future of organic in Europe. The European organic movement celebrate this day and use it to raise awareness of organic and its benefits. For three years, many of IFOAM Organics Europe members joined celebrating organic online and also organised their own events celebrating in the spirit of organic’s principles of Health, Ecology, Fairness and Care. These organisations, initiatives and events gave a face and more visibility to the organic movement and sector in September!
Excursion to a land stewardship farm
26 Oct — 9:00 am
Camí des Castell, 53, 07702 Maó, Illes Balears, Spain
We organize trips to farms affiliated to the 'Custòdia Agrària' program. This activity aims to bring the reality of farmers closer to the rest of the population while also promoting local products. This field activity begins with a trip to the farm, followed by a guided tour, ending with a tasting of products. In these visits, the visitors can buy products from the farm, subscribe to its mailing list and receive more information directly from the farmers. We defend the role of farmers as food producers and true custodians of the territory!
Farm to Fork Workshop
6 Oct — 11:00 am
Tom Schreursweg 48, 1067 MC Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Farm to Fork Workshop - 6th October - Pluk! Fruittuin van West x De Sering
On Sunday, October 6, we are organizing a harvest and cooking workshop starting at Pluk and ending it at De Sering! The workshop lasts from 11:00 till 17:30, and consists of a guided harvest tour, cooking session and a collective meal, all accompanied by plant-human stories about the foods we will be working with.
Sign-up and more info through this form:
Starting at PLUK! Fruittuin van West, Tom Schreursweg 48, 1067 MC Amsterdam, and ending at De Sering, Rhoneweg 6, 1043 AH, Amsterdam
The workshop is donation-based, with a suggested range from 15 to 65.
On Sunday, October 6, we are organizing a harvest and cooking workshop starting at Pluk and ending it at De Sering! The workshop lasts from 11:00 till 17:30, and consists of a guided harvest tour, cooking session and a collective meal, all accompanied by plant-human stories about the foods we will be working with.
Sign-up and more info through this form:
Starting at PLUK! Fruittuin van West, Tom Schreursweg 48, 1067 MC Amsterdam, and ending at De Sering, Rhoneweg 6, 1043 AH, Amsterdam
The workshop is donation-based, with a suggested range from 15 to 65.
Festa del Bio
19 Oct — 10:00 am
Palazzo Re Enzo, Piazza del Nettuno, Bologna, Metropolitan City of Bologna, Italy
A day full of events, round tables, show cooking, promoting organic eating and living
Festival Alimenterre
13 Oct — 8:00 pm
Le Jacques Franck, Chaussée de Waterloo 94, 1060 Saint-Gilles, Belgium
Film debate on the film "La Théorie du Boxeur" as part of the Alimenterre festival organised by Humundi.
Participants will be able to take part in the "receipe for changes" action.
Participants will be able to take part in the "receipe for changes" action.
Festival Namur Demain
16 – 24 Oct — 10:00 am
Place d'Armes, Namur, Belgium
La mobilité douce, la transition énergétique, les circuits courts, l’éco-anxiété, la biodiversité, le climat et la transition alimentaire,… sont les thématiques qui seront abordées à travers des conférences, spectacles, ciné-débats, ateliers « Do It Yourself », jeux, marché des circuits courts, …
Le mercredi 16 octobre sera une journée pour les étudiants, le samedi 19 octobre, une journée tout public avec notamment un marché de producteurs locaux sur la Place d’Armes en collaboration avec Paysans-Artisans qui vous sustenteront avec des produits locaux, le mardi 22 octobre, sera diffusée une projection ciné familiale et le jeudi 24 octobre, un spectacle enfants/ jeunes ados.
Le mercredi 16 octobre sera une journée pour les étudiants, le samedi 19 octobre, une journée tout public avec notamment un marché de producteurs locaux sur la Place d’Armes en collaboration avec Paysans-Artisans qui vous sustenteront avec des produits locaux, le mardi 22 octobre, sera diffusée une projection ciné familiale et le jeudi 24 octobre, un spectacle enfants/ jeunes ados.
Film, Farmers and Artwork on the Farm
20 Oct — 1:30 pm
Langstraat 41, Glabbeek, Belgium
We show 3 short movies (2 video's - tractordancing, the quickening) and a Irisch film Notes of Sheepland. Deidre O Mahony (Ireland), maker of the artwork The Quickening, will come over to Belgium and go in discussion with farmer Heleen (CSA-tSchaaphof).
Good Food, Good Farming
25 Oct — 12:00 pm
Stanmer Organics, Lewes Road, Stanmer, Brighton, UK
Join us 12 - 3pm on our small scale, UNSUBSIDISED agroecological CSA. Bring some lunch to share :)
Good Food, Good Farming Farm Visit at Ta’ Frawla Farm!
12 Oct — 10:00 am
Mellieħa, Malta
Join Us for the Good Food, Good Farming Farm Visit at Ta’ Frawla!
As part of the Good Food, Good Farming campaign, we are excited to invite you to a special farm visit at Ta’ Frawla on 12th October from 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM. This visit is an opportunity to connect with the farmers who produce your food and learn about the benefits of supporting local and sustainable farming practices.
Farm Tour: Explore the farm with the passionate farmer behind Ta’ Frawla.
Bees & Honey Tasting: Discover the farm’s bee colonies and enjoy a taste of fresh, local honey.
Hands-On Activity: Participate in a planting session and get your hands in the soil!
This visit is part of our ongoing efforts to promote sustainable agriculture and create stronger connections between consumers and local producers. By attending, you'll help foster a healthier, more resilient food system.
Location: Ta’ Frawla Farm
️ Date: 12th October
️ Time: 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Come learn, explore, and be part of the Good Food, Good Farming movement!
#GoodFoodGoodFarming #SupportLocal #SustainableAgriculture #FarmVisit #FoEMalta
As part of the Good Food, Good Farming campaign, we are excited to invite you to a special farm visit at Ta’ Frawla on 12th October from 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM. This visit is an opportunity to connect with the farmers who produce your food and learn about the benefits of supporting local and sustainable farming practices.
Farm Tour: Explore the farm with the passionate farmer behind Ta’ Frawla.
Bees & Honey Tasting: Discover the farm’s bee colonies and enjoy a taste of fresh, local honey.
Hands-On Activity: Participate in a planting session and get your hands in the soil!
This visit is part of our ongoing efforts to promote sustainable agriculture and create stronger connections between consumers and local producers. By attending, you'll help foster a healthier, more resilient food system.
Location: Ta’ Frawla Farm
️ Date: 12th October
️ Time: 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Come learn, explore, and be part of the Good Food, Good Farming movement!
#GoodFoodGoodFarming #SupportLocal #SustainableAgriculture #FarmVisit #FoEMalta
Grazing Route + Cheese Making in La Caperuza, in the northern mountains of Madrid.
31 Oct — 10:30 am
Calle de Maruste, 18, Bustarviejo, Spain
Entities from the Coalition will gather to experience a grazing route, as well as the milking and cheese making in the extensive livestock farming project of La Caperuza, in the northern mountains of Madrid. We will talk about the CAP, sustainable food systems and about agroecology.
12 – 11 Oct — 11:00 am
Himmelbeet, Grenzstraße, 13355 Berlin, Germany
Wir feiern unsern Gemeinschaftsgarten und das Projekt Fair.Wurzelt (Kooperation mit IRC) mit Workshops, Ausstellungen zu Natur und Kunst, Musik und Lesung und leckerem Essen. Außerdem verkaufen wir auch Jung-Pflanzen aus Bio-Saatgut direkt aus dem Kiez. Hier findet ihr das genaue Programm:
14 Oct
Crete, Greece
Stories from people in Crete, Greece striving to protect cultural and natural heritage. A documentary produced and directed by Nikki Rose, Founder of the award-winning Crete's Culinary Sanctuaries Educational Network.
Crete is blessed with over four thousand years of fascinating history, amazing natural beauty, and healthy cuisine. There is much to discover. There is also much to protect. Heritage Protectors is a timely documentary covering history, biodiversity, toxicology, agroecology, music, young organic farmers, resilience and hope.
Globally, our path to resilience begins with knowledge and collaboration. We are currently in post-production of this film. We thank you for donating to our project via our Fiscal Sponsor, SIMA Studios.
Stories from people in Crete, Greece striving to protect cultural and natural heritage. A documentary produced and directed by Nikki Rose, Founder of the award-winning Crete's Culinary Sanctuaries Educational Network.
Crete is blessed with over four thousand years of fascinating history, amazing natural beauty, and healthy cuisine. There is much to discover. There is also much to protect. Heritage Protectors is a timely documentary covering history, biodiversity, toxicology, agroecology, music, young organic farmers, resilience and hope.
Globally, our path to resilience begins with knowledge and collaboration. We are currently in post-production of this film. We thank you for donating to our project via our Fiscal Sponsor, SIMA Studios.
Hoftag, Erntedank
29 Sep — 1:00 pm
Wilmersdorfer Straße 3, Briesen-Alt Madlitz, Germany
Hoftag, Erntedank
Feldrundgänge mit Gesprächen,
Gemeinsam essen, bitte jede/r was mitbringen.
Tanzen Singen.
Bitte nicht rauchen, kein Alkohol /Drogen
Feldrundgänge mit Gesprächen,
Gemeinsam essen, bitte jede/r was mitbringen.
Tanzen Singen.
Bitte nicht rauchen, kein Alkohol /Drogen
Il Tirreno Cosentino: un territorio che nutre Prendiamoci cura del cibo, della salute e del territorio
26 Oct
Via Castello, 1, 87030 Fiumefreddo Bruzio, CS, Italy
A discussion about the importance of good and healthy food to help earth and farmers.
10 Oct — 9:00 am
Casa Gola, Rodano, Metropolitan City of Milan, Italy
Conference on the relationship between Biodiversity and Agriculture and presentation of a concrete agroecology and social agriculture project
Kleinbäuerliche Wege – Konferenz für eine Landwirtschaft der Zukunft
20 Oct — 8:30 am
Forstpark 1, 4801 Traunkirchen, Austria
During a full day, we discuss in a conference-like environment the potentials, importance and future possibilities of smallscale farming and peasants in Austria and Europe.
Morgan Ody (Secretary General of La Via Campesina Europe)
Jan Douwe van der Ploeg (Prof. em. Agricultural sociologist Wageningen University)
Following Workshops are offered:
1) The importance of small scale farmers in maintaining biodiversity zones
2) 500-year-anniversary of farmers protests in Europe and what we can draw from the most recent farmers protests
3) Feminist approaches to agriculture: their importance and how they can be implemented in practice
4) Commons in forests and alpine pastures: who holds ownership and who has the right to use?
5) Current challenges and potential solutions in mountain pastoralism (dt.: Almwirtschaft)
A „Market of Initiatives“ will introduce you to various local agricultural initiatives and gives you the possibility to chat and exchange with them. Furthermore, a book launch of Lisa Bolyos´ book “Farming for Future: Leben und Arbeiten in der kleinbäuerlichen Landwirtschaft” will be held.
In the evening the theatre collective „Die Miststücke“ will perform a satirical show surrounding agricultural topics.
Morgan Ody (Secretary General of La Via Campesina Europe)
Jan Douwe van der Ploeg (Prof. em. Agricultural sociologist Wageningen University)
Following Workshops are offered:
1) The importance of small scale farmers in maintaining biodiversity zones
2) 500-year-anniversary of farmers protests in Europe and what we can draw from the most recent farmers protests
3) Feminist approaches to agriculture: their importance and how they can be implemented in practice
4) Commons in forests and alpine pastures: who holds ownership and who has the right to use?
5) Current challenges and potential solutions in mountain pastoralism (dt.: Almwirtschaft)
A „Market of Initiatives“ will introduce you to various local agricultural initiatives and gives you the possibility to chat and exchange with them. Furthermore, a book launch of Lisa Bolyos´ book “Farming for Future: Leben und Arbeiten in der kleinbäuerlichen Landwirtschaft” will be held.
In the evening the theatre collective „Die Miststücke“ will perform a satirical show surrounding agricultural topics.
Kürbisbrötchen Backen und bei der Umwelttafel Schnacken
27 Sep
Neuer Markt, 28199 Bremen, Germany
There will be a environmental picnic organised during the Umweltaktionstage Neustadt in Bremen. At this event on the organic farmers market Neustadt, our organisation wants to get into contact with young people to get to know what food sovereignty means to them while baking pumpkin bread rolls for the common picnic together. If these people are interested we take polaroid pictures with their statements to discuss these with the present people of the local advisory board.
LAB & Stichting Boerengroep Cooperation Day on Het Vrije Veld
12 Oct — 10:30 am
Kennepstraat, 3690 Zutendaal, Belgium
On Saturday 12 October, we will organise a collaborative working day in cooperation with Stichting Boerengroep. In the morning and afternoon, we will work on farmer Souliman's 'Het Vrije Veld'. After a shared lunch, we will discuss peasant farming and the wider issues facing agriculture.
After a shared lunch, we will discuss peasant farming and the wider issues facing agriculture.
The day will be as follows:
10h30: Welcome (coffee and tea) + explanation about the Landbouwbrigades and Stichting Boerengroep
11:00: Fieldwork
13:00: Lunch
13:45: Discussion and moment of reflection
14:30: Fieldwork
16h00: Closing with evaluation
After a shared lunch, we will discuss peasant farming and the wider issues facing agriculture.
The day will be as follows:
10h30: Welcome (coffee and tea) + explanation about the Landbouwbrigades and Stichting Boerengroep
11:00: Fieldwork
13:00: Lunch
13:45: Discussion and moment of reflection
14:30: Fieldwork
16h00: Closing with evaluation
Lehrgang Samengärtnerei
18 Oct — 9:30 am
ARCHE NOAH Schaugarten, Obere Straße, Schiltern, Austria
Dieser 20. ARCHE NOAH Lehrgang Samengärtnerei umfasst vier je zweitägige Module (8 Tage) und zwei ONLINE Einheiten und wendet sich an interessierte Hausgärtner:innen, Bio-Landwirt:innen, Berater:innen, Landwirtschaftslehrer:innen, sowohl ins Thema Einsteigende als auch Fortgeschrittene in Fragen der Samengewinnung. Der Lehrgang gibt vielfältigen Einblick in die Saatgutvermehrungspraxis auf unterschiedlichen Vielfaltsbetrieben.
Managing Hedgerows for Nature
19 Oct — 9:30 am
Cappamore, Co. Limerick, Ireland
Join our ‘Managing Hedgerows for Nature’ event with Limerick City & County Council! It is hosted at Gearóid Maher's dairy farm, a Farming for Nature Ambassador. We will explore best practices for nature-friendly hedgerow management and learn about the value of hedgerows. There will be a demonstration of hedge laying and A-shape hedgerow trimming.
16 Oct — 5:00 pm
Husby gård 8, 164 30 Kista, Sweden
Matskiftet – A Night of Food, Dialogue, and Change:
On World Hunger Day, Reformaten, together with SIANI, The Hunger Project Sweden, and MOMENTUM Fryshuset, invites young changemakers to come together and kickstart a new food system transition. Join us at Husby Gård for an evening filled with delicious food, exciting discussions, and meaningful connections!
The event features panel talks with Reformaten, SIANI, and The Hunger Project Sweden on the issue of hunger, discussions with youth political parties on the future of food systems, and insights from chefs, farmers, artists, and local leaders. Plus, help shape a special installation by Momentum – what comes next?
The event is free, with food provided, and your voice and passion are needed for transforming our food systems!
On World Hunger Day, Reformaten, together with SIANI, The Hunger Project Sweden, and MOMENTUM Fryshuset, invites young changemakers to come together and kickstart a new food system transition. Join us at Husby Gård for an evening filled with delicious food, exciting discussions, and meaningful connections!
The event features panel talks with Reformaten, SIANI, and The Hunger Project Sweden on the issue of hunger, discussions with youth political parties on the future of food systems, and insights from chefs, farmers, artists, and local leaders. Plus, help shape a special installation by Momentum – what comes next?
The event is free, with food provided, and your voice and passion are needed for transforming our food systems!
Meewerkdag bij Kleibeek
12 Oct — 10:00 am
Potterstraat 30, Sint-Pauwels 9170 Sint-Gillis-Waas, Belgium
Curious about life on an organic farm? Roll up your sleeves and experience firsthand what it feels like to spend a day farming.
Tine and Dirk grow a wide variety of organic vegetables and fruits in their large greenhouse and outdoor fields. Their diverse offerings range from leafy greens to root vegetables and fruit-bearing crops. They lovingly cultivate both well-known and more unusual varieties. Tine experiments with permaculture wherever possible. All products are sold in their own shop or through produce packages. Want to spend a day working alongside this energetic farmer? Tine will welcome you with open arms.
What will the day look like?
When you arrive at 10 a.m., we’ll welcome you, and the farmer will give a brief introduction. We’ll take a tour of the farm and then get to work. At midday, we’ll enjoy a delicious organic lunch together. After lunch, we’ll have a discussion about agroecology and the importance of seeds as the origin of our food. Then, we’ll help out a little more, and the day will wrap up at 4 p.m.
What to bring:
Gardening gloves (if you don’t have any, you can borrow some from us)
Sturdy shoes
Comfortable clothes that can get dirty
Sunscreen if it’s a sunny day
Tine and Dirk grow a wide variety of organic vegetables and fruits in their large greenhouse and outdoor fields. Their diverse offerings range from leafy greens to root vegetables and fruit-bearing crops. They lovingly cultivate both well-known and more unusual varieties. Tine experiments with permaculture wherever possible. All products are sold in their own shop or through produce packages. Want to spend a day working alongside this energetic farmer? Tine will welcome you with open arms.
What will the day look like?
When you arrive at 10 a.m., we’ll welcome you, and the farmer will give a brief introduction. We’ll take a tour of the farm and then get to work. At midday, we’ll enjoy a delicious organic lunch together. After lunch, we’ll have a discussion about agroecology and the importance of seeds as the origin of our food. Then, we’ll help out a little more, and the day will wrap up at 4 p.m.
What to bring:
Gardening gloves (if you don’t have any, you can borrow some from us)
Sturdy shoes
Comfortable clothes that can get dirty
Sunscreen if it’s a sunny day
Meewerkdag bij Wallabieke
5 Oct — 10:00 am
Bovendonkstraat 194, 9255 Buggenhout, Belgium
Discover how 100% local honey and beekeeping products are made at Wallabieke!
During this volunteer day, you’ll get the chance to help out at a beekeeping farm and learn about it from the inside. Be inspired by Bart: he will show you how pollinators, local food, and healthy gardening are inextricably connected!
For the past 10 years, Bart has been implementing innovative and more sustainable beekeeping practices. He gives workshops, trains beekeepers, and plays a leading role in protecting bees, as threats like the yellow-legged hornet and other exotic species continue to spread. Using local and sustainable ingredients from his own land and from fellow producers, Wallabieke constantly strives to bring more eco-friendly products directly to the customer.
What will the day look like?
When you arrive at 10 a.m., we’ll welcome you and Bart, the beekeeper, will give an introduction. We’ll get a tour of the apiary and get to work. At midday, we’ll provide a delicious lunch, so no need to bring your own meal! After lunch, we’ll have a conversation about agroecology and the importance of seeds as the origin of our food. Then we’ll help out a bit more, and the day wraps up at 4 p.m.
What to bring:
Gardening gloves (if you don’t have any, you can borrow some from us)
Sturdy shoes
Comfortable clothes that can get dirty
Rain gear if needed
During this volunteer day, you’ll get the chance to help out at a beekeeping farm and learn about it from the inside. Be inspired by Bart: he will show you how pollinators, local food, and healthy gardening are inextricably connected!
For the past 10 years, Bart has been implementing innovative and more sustainable beekeeping practices. He gives workshops, trains beekeepers, and plays a leading role in protecting bees, as threats like the yellow-legged hornet and other exotic species continue to spread. Using local and sustainable ingredients from his own land and from fellow producers, Wallabieke constantly strives to bring more eco-friendly products directly to the customer.
What will the day look like?
When you arrive at 10 a.m., we’ll welcome you and Bart, the beekeeper, will give an introduction. We’ll get a tour of the apiary and get to work. At midday, we’ll provide a delicious lunch, so no need to bring your own meal! After lunch, we’ll have a conversation about agroecology and the importance of seeds as the origin of our food. Then we’ll help out a bit more, and the day wraps up at 4 p.m.
What to bring:
Gardening gloves (if you don’t have any, you can borrow some from us)
Sturdy shoes
Comfortable clothes that can get dirty
Rain gear if needed
Mittelhessen Geschmackvoll
13 Oct — 2:00 pm
Deutschhausstraße, 35037 Marburg, Germany
Market of regional producers
No Dig Gardening with Charles Dowding
26 Oct — 10:00 am
The Organic Centre, The Organic Centre, Sraud (Conolly), Rossinver, County Leitrim, Ireland
The Organic Centre is delighted to have internationally acclaimed No Dig gardener Charles Dowding in Ireland in a truly memorable course. Learn about the 'No Dig' method with the pioneer instructor, in the backdrop of the grounds of the iconic Organic Centre, Leitrim. Charles has revolutionised the method of growing with his approach, a technique that prioritises sustainability and promotes nutrient-rich soil. These two exclusive one-day events will take place on Sat 26th and Sun 27th October 2024. Complementary lunch included in price on the day. Book on
No Dig Gardening with Charles Dowding
27 – 26 Oct — 10:00 am
The Organic Centre, The Organic Centre, Sraud (Conolly), Rossinver, County Leitrim, Ireland
The Organic Centre is delighted to have internationally acclaimed No Dig gardener Charles Dowding in Ireland in a truly memorable course. Learn about the 'No Dig' method with the pioneer instructor, in the backdrop of the grounds of the iconic Organic Centre, Leitrim. Charles has revolutionised the method of growing with his approach, a technique that prioritises sustainability and promotes nutrient-rich soil. These two exclusive one-day events will take place on Sat 26th and Sun 27th October 2024. Complementary lunch included in price on the day. Book on
Oltre gli allevamenti intensivi. Per una transizione agro-ecologica della zootecnia
24 Oct — 2:30 pm
Centro Congressi Cavour, Via Cavour, Rome, Roma Metropolitan City of Rome Capital, Italy
Presentation of a bill on the agro-ecological transition of livestock farming and discussion of the necessary policy measures
Organic Innovation Days
22 – 23 Oct
Rue Marie-Thérèse 11, Brussels, Belgium
The Organic Innovation Days 2024, TP Organics' annual public event and the only EU event on organic and agroecological research and innovation, will focus on preparing for the next programme:
Getting organic research & innovation ready for the next political mandates, and will take place on 22-23 October in Brussels.
Getting organic research & innovation ready for the next political mandates, and will take place on 22-23 October in Brussels.
Outgrow the System
— 7:00 pm
Westerstraße 58, Bremen-Neustadt, Germany
Outgrow the system
”Change the system, not the climate” (auf deutsch „Ändere das System, nicht das Klima“) ist eine gängige Forderung der Klimabewegung. Aber was steckt dahinter? Was für ein System wollen wir eigentlich?
Die ursprüngliche Bedeutung des Wortes „Wirtschaft“ ist „Haushaltsführung“, beschreibt also einen Vorgang des "Haushaltens", also eines Umgangs, der Verteilung und Organisation mit den zur Verfügung stehenden Ressourcen. Die heutige Wirtschaft ist jedoch kein „Haushalten“, sondern verbraucht unsere endlichen natürlichen Ressourcen in einem alarmierenden Tempo.
„Outgrow the System“ erforscht, wie wir zum Wesen des Begriffs zurückkehren und ein Wirtschaftssystem entwickeln können, das wirklich mit unseren knappen Ressourcen umgeht. Jenseits der engen Mainstream-Debatte und der Lehren der Wirtschaftshochschulen entstehen weltweit zahlreiche neue wirtschaftliche Ideen und Praktiken. Sie stellen alte Annahmen in Frage und bieten neue Perspektiven, wie wir unsere Produktion und unseren Konsum umgestalten können. „Outgrow the System“ rückt diese transformativen Ideen in den Vordergrund und feiert die Fülle an Kreativität und Projekten, die es weltweit bereits gibt. Der Film zeigt uns damit eine Welt, in der sich soziale Bewegungen auf der ganzen Welt hinter positiven Visionen versammeln können, anstatt sich nur gegen Dystopien zu stellen.
Im Anschluss an den Film treffen wir die schwedischen Filmemacher*innen online zu einem Gespräch und offenen Austausch.
2023 | Doku | Cecilia Paulsson und Anders Nilsson | 58 min | schwed., engl. im Original mit deutschen Untertiteln
Link zum Trailer:
Eine Veranstaltung von Greenpeace Bremen und der KlimaWerkStadt.
”Change the system, not the climate” (auf deutsch „Ändere das System, nicht das Klima“) ist eine gängige Forderung der Klimabewegung. Aber was steckt dahinter? Was für ein System wollen wir eigentlich?
Die ursprüngliche Bedeutung des Wortes „Wirtschaft“ ist „Haushaltsführung“, beschreibt also einen Vorgang des "Haushaltens", also eines Umgangs, der Verteilung und Organisation mit den zur Verfügung stehenden Ressourcen. Die heutige Wirtschaft ist jedoch kein „Haushalten“, sondern verbraucht unsere endlichen natürlichen Ressourcen in einem alarmierenden Tempo.
„Outgrow the System“ erforscht, wie wir zum Wesen des Begriffs zurückkehren und ein Wirtschaftssystem entwickeln können, das wirklich mit unseren knappen Ressourcen umgeht. Jenseits der engen Mainstream-Debatte und der Lehren der Wirtschaftshochschulen entstehen weltweit zahlreiche neue wirtschaftliche Ideen und Praktiken. Sie stellen alte Annahmen in Frage und bieten neue Perspektiven, wie wir unsere Produktion und unseren Konsum umgestalten können. „Outgrow the System“ rückt diese transformativen Ideen in den Vordergrund und feiert die Fülle an Kreativität und Projekten, die es weltweit bereits gibt. Der Film zeigt uns damit eine Welt, in der sich soziale Bewegungen auf der ganzen Welt hinter positiven Visionen versammeln können, anstatt sich nur gegen Dystopien zu stellen.
Im Anschluss an den Film treffen wir die schwedischen Filmemacher*innen online zu einem Gespräch und offenen Austausch.
2023 | Doku | Cecilia Paulsson und Anders Nilsson | 58 min | schwed., engl. im Original mit deutschen Untertiteln
Link zum Trailer:
Eine Veranstaltung von Greenpeace Bremen und der KlimaWerkStadt.
Plant the Future Dinner
19 Nov
Nieuwspoort, Bezuidenhoutseweg 67, Den Haag, Netherlands
Plant the Future dinner is a stakeholder dinner that puts the protein transition in terms of 60/40 plant vs animal protein on the political and societal agenda. Working towards a new normal standard in our daily menus.
Six Inches of Soil
11 Oct — 7:00 pm
Wadham School, Yeovil Road, Crewkerne TA18 7NT, UK
An inspiring story of three young farmers standing up against the industrial food system and transforming the way they produce food – to heal the soil, our health and provide for local communities.
Skutocne Zdrava Konferencia
25 Oct — 9:00 am
Gorkého 2, 040 01 Košice, Slovakia
Really Healthy Conference invites school cooks, teachers, principals, parents and everyone who cares about healthy eating.
It´s aim is to see how we can work together to improve the food culture in schools and create a healthier environment.
There will be an opportunity to join a roundtable with representatives from the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic, 3 panel discussions with experts in nutrition, school meals and education, 6 practical workshops on education, sustainability and healthy habits, networking, sharing examples of good practice, awarding schools
It´s aim is to see how we can work together to improve the food culture in schools and create a healthier environment.
There will be an opportunity to join a roundtable with representatives from the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic, 3 panel discussions with experts in nutrition, school meals and education, 6 practical workshops on education, sustainability and healthy habits, networking, sharing examples of good practice, awarding schools
SZIA Garden Family Day
— 10:00 am
SZIA Agroecology Garden, Hungary, 2100 Gödöllő
Workshop about sustainable gardens and composting, with practical tips, SZIA Garden visit tour, upcycling and garden-related activities for children, quiz games with prizes
The Mystery of the Pumpkin Path
— 10:00 am
Stonelynk Organics, Stonelynk Organics, Battery Hill, Fairlight, Hastings, East Sussex TN35 4EA, UK
Join the great Detective PI Spice on another Exciting Adventure with Puzzles and Interactive Storytelling. Solve the puzzles and get access to the pumpkin patch to choose your favourite pumpkin!
PYO pumpkins - autumnal hot drinks - pumpkin soup
PYO pumpkins - autumnal hot drinks - pumpkin soup
Vorwärts statt rückwärts in der Agrarpolitik: Für viele und vielfältige Höfe!
— 1:00 pm
Evangelische Akademie Bad Boll, Akademieweg, Boll, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Neben spannenden politischen Diskussionsrunden wird es zahlreiche vertiefende Werkstätten geben, u.a. zu den Themen GAP, Marktpolitik, Boden, Tierhaltung, Gentechnik. Der Samstagnachmittag steht ganz im Zeichen der AbL-Bundesmitgliederversammlung. Abends erwartet uns ein buntes Kulturprogramm mit Musik.
Welternährungstag – Die eigenen Privilegien Überdenken
16 Oct
Berlin, Germany
Der Weltacker Berlin herzlich zu unserer Online-Veranstaltung zum Welternährungstag ein. Diese Veranstaltung richtet sich an alle, die sich für globale Ernährungsthemen und soziale Gerechtigkeit interessieren, sei es als Multiplikator*innen oder einfach als engagierte Menschen.
Die Veranstaltung bietet die Möglichkeit, sich intensiver mit den globalen Zusammenhängen der Welternährung auseinanderzusetzen und die eigenen Privilegien im globalen Kontext zu reflektieren. Unsere Referent*innen werden spannende Einblicke geben und im interaktiven Teil freuen wir uns auf einen regen Austausch mit euch.
Wir freuen uns auf eure Teilnahme!
Die Veranstaltung bietet die Möglichkeit, sich intensiver mit den globalen Zusammenhängen der Welternährung auseinanderzusetzen und die eigenen Privilegien im globalen Kontext zu reflektieren. Unsere Referent*innen werden spannende Einblicke geben und im interaktiven Teil freuen wir uns auf einen regen Austausch mit euch.
Wir freuen uns auf eure Teilnahme!
Workshop on organic cultivation of fruit trees in cold areas
12 Oct — 10:00 am
Ayuntamiento de Jaramillo de la Fuente, Calle la Iglesia, Jaramillo de la Fuente, Burgos, Spain
Workshop oriented to the implementation of fruit-tree crops, for self-consumption and small farms. Practical training on relevant aspects of fruit growing related to location, soil, varieties, land preparation and management.
Youth and Agroecology
14 Oct — 1:00 pm
School of Agriculture University of Lisbon (ISA), Tapada da Ajuda, Lisbon, Portugal
Seminar held at the Instituto Superior de Agronomia (ISA) in Lisbon on October 14th. The seminar focuses on the intersection of youth engagement and agroecology and is organized in three main parts:
1. Youth & Agroecology Session (12:00 pm - 6:00 pm):
The session will last 1.5 hours and be moderated by Irene Katsaros (CFE/UC), incorporating both in-person and hybrid (Zoom/Youtube) elements.
Introduction (5 minutes): A brief overview of the session's objectives and an introduction of speakers and topics.
João Valente or Diogo Pinho (Monte Silveira): Speaking on regenerative agriculture.
João Ferreira Paladin: Covering alternative food systems.
Irene Katsaros: Discussing youth involvement in agriculture from a European perspective.
Bernardo: Youth involvement in Portugal’s agri-food systems.
Mia Mancini (Good Food Good Farming): Speaking on policies (online).
Interactive Q&A (40 minutes): Using for audience participation and a buffer zone for more open discussions.
2. Co-creation Workshop 1: Perception of Youth on Weeds and Agroecology (GOOD Project):
Introduction and presentation of the GOOD Project outcomes: The workshop will focus on agroecological weed management, highlighting youth perspectives on this issue.
Interactive session: Including online polls, visual assessments, and group discussions about the aesthetics and biodiversity of various agricultural fields.
3. Co-creation Workshop 2: Agroecological Food and Market Analysis:
Introduction: The focus will be on market analysis for agroecological food, exploring willingness to purchase these products, and assessing trends in agroecological markets.
Round table discussions: Participants will discuss various topics such as barriers to buying agroecological products and marketing strategies for promoting them.
Overall, the event highlights the youth's role in advancing agroecology and sustainability, engaging participants through interactive workshops and discussions on regenerative practices, food systems, and policies.
1. Youth & Agroecology Session (12:00 pm - 6:00 pm):
The session will last 1.5 hours and be moderated by Irene Katsaros (CFE/UC), incorporating both in-person and hybrid (Zoom/Youtube) elements.
Introduction (5 minutes): A brief overview of the session's objectives and an introduction of speakers and topics.
João Valente or Diogo Pinho (Monte Silveira): Speaking on regenerative agriculture.
João Ferreira Paladin: Covering alternative food systems.
Irene Katsaros: Discussing youth involvement in agriculture from a European perspective.
Bernardo: Youth involvement in Portugal’s agri-food systems.
Mia Mancini (Good Food Good Farming): Speaking on policies (online).
Interactive Q&A (40 minutes): Using for audience participation and a buffer zone for more open discussions.
2. Co-creation Workshop 1: Perception of Youth on Weeds and Agroecology (GOOD Project):
Introduction and presentation of the GOOD Project outcomes: The workshop will focus on agroecological weed management, highlighting youth perspectives on this issue.
Interactive session: Including online polls, visual assessments, and group discussions about the aesthetics and biodiversity of various agricultural fields.
3. Co-creation Workshop 2: Agroecological Food and Market Analysis:
Introduction: The focus will be on market analysis for agroecological food, exploring willingness to purchase these products, and assessing trends in agroecological markets.
Round table discussions: Participants will discuss various topics such as barriers to buying agroecological products and marketing strategies for promoting them.
Overall, the event highlights the youth's role in advancing agroecology and sustainability, engaging participants through interactive workshops and discussions on regenerative practices, food systems, and policies.
Bionovara in Festa
13 Oct — 10:00 am
Via della Gioventù, 28040 Varallo Pombia Province of Novara, Italy
The organic market gardeners association based in the county of Novara (Piedmont) organizes a harvest celebration with an organic fair, a vegeterian local meal and folk music
14 Oct
Crete, Greece
Stories from people in Crete, Greece striving to protect cultural and natural heritage. A documentary produced and directed by Nikki Rose, Founder of the award-winning Crete's Culinary Sanctuaries Educational Network.
Crete is blessed with over four thousand years of fascinating history, amazing natural beauty, and healthy cuisine. There is much to discover. There is also much to protect. Heritage Protectors is a timely documentary covering history, biodiversity, toxicology, agroecology, music, young organic farmers, resilience and hope.
Globally, our path to resilience begins with knowledge and collaboration. We are currently in post-production of this film. We thank you for donating to our project via our Fiscal Sponsor, SIMA Studios.
Stories from people in Crete, Greece striving to protect cultural and natural heritage. A documentary produced and directed by Nikki Rose, Founder of the award-winning Crete's Culinary Sanctuaries Educational Network.
Crete is blessed with over four thousand years of fascinating history, amazing natural beauty, and healthy cuisine. There is much to discover. There is also much to protect. Heritage Protectors is a timely documentary covering history, biodiversity, toxicology, agroecology, music, young organic farmers, resilience and hope.
Globally, our path to resilience begins with knowledge and collaboration. We are currently in post-production of this film. We thank you for donating to our project via our Fiscal Sponsor, SIMA Studios.
Agro-ecological + Water Festival
14 – 19 Oct — 9:00 am
Flanders, Belgium
How effective is agroecology as a solution for increasingly extreme climate change? And what role does water play in the restorative agricultural system of the future?
During a multi-day event from October 14 to October 19, 2024, we will enter into a dialogue with everyone who wants to delve deeper into these themes. From conscious vegetable gardeners to concerned policymakers to proactive farmers.
Hoe effectief is agro-ecologie als oplossing voor steeds extremere klimaatveranderingen? En welke rol speelt water in het herstellende landbouwsysteem van de toekomst?
Tijdens een meerdaags evenement van 14 oktober tot en met 19 oktober 2024 gaan we in dialoog met iedereen die zich wilt verdiepen in deze thema’s. Van bewuste moestuinier over bezorgde beleidsmaker tot pro-actieve landbouwer.
During a multi-day event from October 14 to October 19, 2024, we will enter into a dialogue with everyone who wants to delve deeper into these themes. From conscious vegetable gardeners to concerned policymakers to proactive farmers.
Hoe effectief is agro-ecologie als oplossing voor steeds extremere klimaatveranderingen? En welke rol speelt water in het herstellende landbouwsysteem van de toekomst?
Tijdens een meerdaags evenement van 14 oktober tot en met 19 oktober 2024 gaan we in dialoog met iedereen die zich wilt verdiepen in deze thema’s. Van bewuste moestuinier over bezorgde beleidsmaker tot pro-actieve landbouwer.
Youth and Agroecology
14 Oct — 1:00 pm
School of Agriculture University of Lisbon (ISA), Tapada da Ajuda, Lisbon, Portugal
Seminar held at the Instituto Superior de Agronomia (ISA) in Lisbon on October 14th. The seminar focuses on the intersection of youth engagement and agroecology and is organized in three main parts:
1. Youth & Agroecology Session (12:00 pm - 6:00 pm):
The session will last 1.5 hours and be moderated by Irene Katsaros (CFE/UC), incorporating both in-person and hybrid (Zoom/Youtube) elements.
Introduction (5 minutes): A brief overview of the session's objectives and an introduction of speakers and topics.
João Valente or Diogo Pinho (Monte Silveira): Speaking on regenerative agriculture.
João Ferreira Paladin: Covering alternative food systems.
Irene Katsaros: Discussing youth involvement in agriculture from a European perspective.
Bernardo: Youth involvement in Portugal’s agri-food systems.
Mia Mancini (Good Food Good Farming): Speaking on policies (online).
Interactive Q&A (40 minutes): Using for audience participation and a buffer zone for more open discussions.
2. Co-creation Workshop 1: Perception of Youth on Weeds and Agroecology (GOOD Project):
Introduction and presentation of the GOOD Project outcomes: The workshop will focus on agroecological weed management, highlighting youth perspectives on this issue.
Interactive session: Including online polls, visual assessments, and group discussions about the aesthetics and biodiversity of various agricultural fields.
3. Co-creation Workshop 2: Agroecological Food and Market Analysis:
Introduction: The focus will be on market analysis for agroecological food, exploring willingness to purchase these products, and assessing trends in agroecological markets.
Round table discussions: Participants will discuss various topics such as barriers to buying agroecological products and marketing strategies for promoting them.
Overall, the event highlights the youth's role in advancing agroecology and sustainability, engaging participants through interactive workshops and discussions on regenerative practices, food systems, and policies.
1. Youth & Agroecology Session (12:00 pm - 6:00 pm):
The session will last 1.5 hours and be moderated by Irene Katsaros (CFE/UC), incorporating both in-person and hybrid (Zoom/Youtube) elements.
Introduction (5 minutes): A brief overview of the session's objectives and an introduction of speakers and topics.
João Valente or Diogo Pinho (Monte Silveira): Speaking on regenerative agriculture.
João Ferreira Paladin: Covering alternative food systems.
Irene Katsaros: Discussing youth involvement in agriculture from a European perspective.
Bernardo: Youth involvement in Portugal’s agri-food systems.
Mia Mancini (Good Food Good Farming): Speaking on policies (online).
Interactive Q&A (40 minutes): Using for audience participation and a buffer zone for more open discussions.
2. Co-creation Workshop 1: Perception of Youth on Weeds and Agroecology (GOOD Project):
Introduction and presentation of the GOOD Project outcomes: The workshop will focus on agroecological weed management, highlighting youth perspectives on this issue.
Interactive session: Including online polls, visual assessments, and group discussions about the aesthetics and biodiversity of various agricultural fields.
3. Co-creation Workshop 2: Agroecological Food and Market Analysis:
Introduction: The focus will be on market analysis for agroecological food, exploring willingness to purchase these products, and assessing trends in agroecological markets.
Round table discussions: Participants will discuss various topics such as barriers to buying agroecological products and marketing strategies for promoting them.
Overall, the event highlights the youth's role in advancing agroecology and sustainability, engaging participants through interactive workshops and discussions on regenerative practices, food systems, and policies.
Climate Change Summit
15 Oct — 9:30 am
Bucharest National Opera House, Bulevardul Mihail Kogălniceanu, Bucharest, Romania
About the Summit
Climate Change Summit is the largest event in Central and Eastern Europe dedicated to innovative solutions for the climate change challenges we are facing today and tomorrow. The Summit takes place amid geopolitical and geoeconomics shifts at an inflection point of how societies look at desired futures.
The 3rd edition of the Summit takes place on October 15-17, 2024, in Bucharest, bringing together hundreds of participants and speakers in conversations about climate change solutions, green economy opportunities and climate action. Over the three days of the event, dozens of climate innovation and environmental policy leaders, researchers, entrepreneurs and government officials will get together in a joint effort to find local and regional solutions for a sustainable future.
Climate Change Summit is the largest event in Central and Eastern Europe dedicated to innovative solutions for the climate change challenges we are facing today and tomorrow. The Summit takes place amid geopolitical and geoeconomics shifts at an inflection point of how societies look at desired futures.
The 3rd edition of the Summit takes place on October 15-17, 2024, in Bucharest, bringing together hundreds of participants and speakers in conversations about climate change solutions, green economy opportunities and climate action. Over the three days of the event, dozens of climate innovation and environmental policy leaders, researchers, entrepreneurs and government officials will get together in a joint effort to find local and regional solutions for a sustainable future.
Outgrow the System
— 7:00 pm
Westerstraße 58, Bremen-Neustadt, Germany
Outgrow the system
”Change the system, not the climate” (auf deutsch „Ändere das System, nicht das Klima“) ist eine gängige Forderung der Klimabewegung. Aber was steckt dahinter? Was für ein System wollen wir eigentlich?
Die ursprüngliche Bedeutung des Wortes „Wirtschaft“ ist „Haushaltsführung“, beschreibt also einen Vorgang des "Haushaltens", also eines Umgangs, der Verteilung und Organisation mit den zur Verfügung stehenden Ressourcen. Die heutige Wirtschaft ist jedoch kein „Haushalten“, sondern verbraucht unsere endlichen natürlichen Ressourcen in einem alarmierenden Tempo.
„Outgrow the System“ erforscht, wie wir zum Wesen des Begriffs zurückkehren und ein Wirtschaftssystem entwickeln können, das wirklich mit unseren knappen Ressourcen umgeht. Jenseits der engen Mainstream-Debatte und der Lehren der Wirtschaftshochschulen entstehen weltweit zahlreiche neue wirtschaftliche Ideen und Praktiken. Sie stellen alte Annahmen in Frage und bieten neue Perspektiven, wie wir unsere Produktion und unseren Konsum umgestalten können. „Outgrow the System“ rückt diese transformativen Ideen in den Vordergrund und feiert die Fülle an Kreativität und Projekten, die es weltweit bereits gibt. Der Film zeigt uns damit eine Welt, in der sich soziale Bewegungen auf der ganzen Welt hinter positiven Visionen versammeln können, anstatt sich nur gegen Dystopien zu stellen.
Im Anschluss an den Film treffen wir die schwedischen Filmemacher*innen online zu einem Gespräch und offenen Austausch.
2023 | Doku | Cecilia Paulsson und Anders Nilsson | 58 min | schwed., engl. im Original mit deutschen Untertiteln
Link zum Trailer:
Eine Veranstaltung von Greenpeace Bremen und der KlimaWerkStadt.
”Change the system, not the climate” (auf deutsch „Ändere das System, nicht das Klima“) ist eine gängige Forderung der Klimabewegung. Aber was steckt dahinter? Was für ein System wollen wir eigentlich?
Die ursprüngliche Bedeutung des Wortes „Wirtschaft“ ist „Haushaltsführung“, beschreibt also einen Vorgang des "Haushaltens", also eines Umgangs, der Verteilung und Organisation mit den zur Verfügung stehenden Ressourcen. Die heutige Wirtschaft ist jedoch kein „Haushalten“, sondern verbraucht unsere endlichen natürlichen Ressourcen in einem alarmierenden Tempo.
„Outgrow the System“ erforscht, wie wir zum Wesen des Begriffs zurückkehren und ein Wirtschaftssystem entwickeln können, das wirklich mit unseren knappen Ressourcen umgeht. Jenseits der engen Mainstream-Debatte und der Lehren der Wirtschaftshochschulen entstehen weltweit zahlreiche neue wirtschaftliche Ideen und Praktiken. Sie stellen alte Annahmen in Frage und bieten neue Perspektiven, wie wir unsere Produktion und unseren Konsum umgestalten können. „Outgrow the System“ rückt diese transformativen Ideen in den Vordergrund und feiert die Fülle an Kreativität und Projekten, die es weltweit bereits gibt. Der Film zeigt uns damit eine Welt, in der sich soziale Bewegungen auf der ganzen Welt hinter positiven Visionen versammeln können, anstatt sich nur gegen Dystopien zu stellen.
Im Anschluss an den Film treffen wir die schwedischen Filmemacher*innen online zu einem Gespräch und offenen Austausch.
2023 | Doku | Cecilia Paulsson und Anders Nilsson | 58 min | schwed., engl. im Original mit deutschen Untertiteln
Link zum Trailer:
Eine Veranstaltung von Greenpeace Bremen und der KlimaWerkStadt.
Festival Namur Demain
16 – 24 Oct — 10:00 am
Place d'Armes, Namur, Belgium
La mobilité douce, la transition énergétique, les circuits courts, l’éco-anxiété, la biodiversité, le climat et la transition alimentaire,… sont les thématiques qui seront abordées à travers des conférences, spectacles, ciné-débats, ateliers « Do It Yourself », jeux, marché des circuits courts, …
Le mercredi 16 octobre sera une journée pour les étudiants, le samedi 19 octobre, une journée tout public avec notamment un marché de producteurs locaux sur la Place d’Armes en collaboration avec Paysans-Artisans qui vous sustenteront avec des produits locaux, le mardi 22 octobre, sera diffusée une projection ciné familiale et le jeudi 24 octobre, un spectacle enfants/ jeunes ados.
Le mercredi 16 octobre sera une journée pour les étudiants, le samedi 19 octobre, une journée tout public avec notamment un marché de producteurs locaux sur la Place d’Armes en collaboration avec Paysans-Artisans qui vous sustenteront avec des produits locaux, le mardi 22 octobre, sera diffusée une projection ciné familiale et le jeudi 24 octobre, un spectacle enfants/ jeunes ados.
Welternährungstag – Die eigenen Privilegien Überdenken
16 Oct
Berlin, Germany
Der Weltacker Berlin herzlich zu unserer Online-Veranstaltung zum Welternährungstag ein. Diese Veranstaltung richtet sich an alle, die sich für globale Ernährungsthemen und soziale Gerechtigkeit interessieren, sei es als Multiplikator*innen oder einfach als engagierte Menschen.
Die Veranstaltung bietet die Möglichkeit, sich intensiver mit den globalen Zusammenhängen der Welternährung auseinanderzusetzen und die eigenen Privilegien im globalen Kontext zu reflektieren. Unsere Referent*innen werden spannende Einblicke geben und im interaktiven Teil freuen wir uns auf einen regen Austausch mit euch.
Wir freuen uns auf eure Teilnahme!
Die Veranstaltung bietet die Möglichkeit, sich intensiver mit den globalen Zusammenhängen der Welternährung auseinanderzusetzen und die eigenen Privilegien im globalen Kontext zu reflektieren. Unsere Referent*innen werden spannende Einblicke geben und im interaktiven Teil freuen wir uns auf einen regen Austausch mit euch.
Wir freuen uns auf eure Teilnahme!
AgroEco2024: Agroecosystem Sustainability: Links between Carbon Sequestration in Soils, Food Security and Climate Change
16 Oct — 9:00 am
Aleksandro Stulginskio universitetas, Studentų gatvė 11, Akademija, 53361 Kaunas District Municipality, Lithuania
We kindly invite You to participate in the 5th International Scientific Conference AgroEco2024: Agroecosystem Sustainability: Links between Carbon Sequestration in Soils, Food Security and Climate Change which will be held at Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy, Lithuania, October 16–18th, 2024. The conference is organised to celebrate 100 years of Agriculture Academy in Lithuania (1924–2024).
Main scientific topics of the AgroEco2024 conference:
Soil health and carbon sequestration for sustainability
Soil and crop management towards a chemical pesticide-free agriculture
Biodiversity, crop and production diversification
Precision farming and digital technologies
Food quality and safety
Climate change adaptation and mitigation
Main scientific topics of the AgroEco2024 conference:
Soil health and carbon sequestration for sustainability
Soil and crop management towards a chemical pesticide-free agriculture
Biodiversity, crop and production diversification
Precision farming and digital technologies
Food quality and safety
Climate change adaptation and mitigation
16 Oct — 5:00 pm
Husby gård 8, 164 30 Kista, Sweden
Matskiftet – A Night of Food, Dialogue, and Change:
On World Hunger Day, Reformaten, together with SIANI, The Hunger Project Sweden, and MOMENTUM Fryshuset, invites young changemakers to come together and kickstart a new food system transition. Join us at Husby Gård for an evening filled with delicious food, exciting discussions, and meaningful connections!
The event features panel talks with Reformaten, SIANI, and The Hunger Project Sweden on the issue of hunger, discussions with youth political parties on the future of food systems, and insights from chefs, farmers, artists, and local leaders. Plus, help shape a special installation by Momentum – what comes next?
The event is free, with food provided, and your voice and passion are needed for transforming our food systems!
On World Hunger Day, Reformaten, together with SIANI, The Hunger Project Sweden, and MOMENTUM Fryshuset, invites young changemakers to come together and kickstart a new food system transition. Join us at Husby Gård for an evening filled with delicious food, exciting discussions, and meaningful connections!
The event features panel talks with Reformaten, SIANI, and The Hunger Project Sweden on the issue of hunger, discussions with youth political parties on the future of food systems, and insights from chefs, farmers, artists, and local leaders. Plus, help shape a special installation by Momentum – what comes next?
The event is free, with food provided, and your voice and passion are needed for transforming our food systems!
Lehrgang Samengärtnerei
18 Oct — 9:30 am
ARCHE NOAH Schaugarten, Obere Straße, Schiltern, Austria
Dieser 20. ARCHE NOAH Lehrgang Samengärtnerei umfasst vier je zweitägige Module (8 Tage) und zwei ONLINE Einheiten und wendet sich an interessierte Hausgärtner:innen, Bio-Landwirt:innen, Berater:innen, Landwirtschaftslehrer:innen, sowohl ins Thema Einsteigende als auch Fortgeschrittene in Fragen der Samengewinnung. Der Lehrgang gibt vielfältigen Einblick in die Saatgutvermehrungspraxis auf unterschiedlichen Vielfaltsbetrieben.
Didactic farm open days – Plant the future in your backyard
19 Oct — 10:00 am
Ulica Žuka 6, 52215, Vodnjan, Croatia
All the families of the pupils of the local elementary school, kinder garden, and the local community in general will be invited to the Didactic farm that is located in the frame of the school. Gardening and animal care activities will be organised to help people get a step closer to good food and good farming. Planting actions will be organized, and vegetable and spontaneous plant harvesting followed by cooking classes will be held to encourage the locals to adopt a healthy diet.