
Here you can find share-pics, poster and many more materials related to Good Food Good Farming campaigns, including online and print materials in different languages. All materials are free to download, so you can use them on social media channels or during your events. If you are missing materials in your language, or a specific format, please get in touch via


No to pesticides


Share those animated share-pics to spread the demands for better pesticide regulations in the EU. Available in 8 different languages!


Social Media Kit – Food Systems

Do you want some post texts and tags to go with the info comics? This social media kit makes sharing on social media a no brainer.


social media kit – vote for the future

Do you want some background texts and tag suggestions to go with the info comics? This social media kit for "Vote for the Future" makes sharing on social media a no brainer.


Vote for the Future

You are passionate about food and farming and curious about how the EU influences our food systems? You want to make your voice heard in the upcoming EU Elections? Share these info comics on social media to raise awareness and share your demands with candidates running for re-election. They are available in all EU languages!