European Days of Action

October, the time to stir your pots and pans!
Every year Good Food Good Farming organise the European Days of Action in October! We invite groups and initiatives across Europe to organize an event locally and become part of a broad movement at the same time. There are no strict rules for the event, everything that is related to good food and farming works: a harvest festival, seed fair, film screening, farm-visit, picnic, protest or public discussion – everything is welcome!
Are you active on agri-food topics?
We invite you to join us for the next European Days of Action in October 2025! It is a great opportunity to make noise around your own demands and become part of the European #GoodFoodGoodFarming movement!
Join us next year!
Joining the European Days of Action is simple: You register your event (a new one or something you already planned) via an online form on our website. We then display your event together with all the others on an interactive map. Additionally, we give you access to videos and graphics in many different languages. Finally, we also prepare material and activities you can use during your event!
Registrations for 2025 will open in September 2025!

Impressions from previous years
Supporters 2024 (45)